If you have regular health issues, conduct Rudra-Abhishek at home. Recite the Rudra Gayatri mantra, "Tat Purushaya Vidmahe, Mahadevaya Dhimahi, Tanno Rudra Prachodayat," and bathe the Shivling every day for 11 weeks. If the waxing phase of the moon (Shuklapaksh) falls on panchami, sashti, saptami, ashtami, or trayodashi, or if your sickness hasn't been cured in a while, throw away one day's worth of medication and restart.If you are unable to find work, offer a handful of mustard seeds to the sun god every day for 41 days. Make preparations to donate water on Sundays and keep a free water station set up at your birthplace for people in need.
For more details please contact us at +919887047560