Das Mahavidya


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June 01, 2023

Ten Mahavidya are mentioned in our ancient literature and are adored for their various qualities. Sadhana is the name for the form of Mahavidya devotion in which the worshipper focuses on a single Goddess in order to appease Her and obtain Her benefits. Mantra and Yantra are regarded as very useful tools in any Sadhana for helping practitioners attain their goals and satisfy their motivations. Each deity in Hinduism has a unique Yantra and Mantra, which are utilized as a conduit to communicate with the deity and achieve the goal. Each Goddess is worshipped alongside her Yantra according to a set protocol, steps, and ceremonies. Some sadhaks honor the ten forms of Godess Kali, also known as Dus Mahavidya, in addition to the nine roopas of Goddess Durga. It is well known that worshiping Dus Mahavidya eliminates bad tendencies. It can also be used to achieve other goals, such as winning legal battles, accumulating wealth, curing diseases, displacing rivals, eradicating poverty, attracting luck and wealth, and protecting oneself against black magic of any kind. Worshiping these Mahavidya also protects one from harmful planetary influences.

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