Best Astrologer For Vastu Shastra


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June 19, 2024

Regardless of whether it has a roof, an open space surrounded by walls on all sides is referred to as a premises or vastu. Every such structure contains an energy centre that is also referred to as the Deity of the building. Its goal is to provide each positive or negative event that takes place their energy. Let's first examine how these frequencies are produced to distinguish between the pleasant and upsetting frequencies produced in a space. In vacant spaces, there are three different types of frequencies: Frequencies radiated by the soil upon which the premises are constructed make up the first category. According to the article on "Life after Death," the second type is composed of 360 frequencies that flow horizontally to the Earth region (Bhlok). These frequencies circulate in a circle through the building. The third category is made up of the frequency of thoughts generated by persons who built, occupied, and/or visited the premises.

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